After covering a story on Songs of Love for the CBS Early Show as their part-time correspondent, Ayla Brown agreed to be a spokesperson for the Songs of Love Foundation to help bring more awareness and funding. During the segment, Ayla also recorded a "song of love" for 6-year-old Hannah Lowe. She recently recorded another "song of love" for Collin Lecey.
Ayla Brown at a glance may seem to be an average young adult. Hold that glance for more than a moment, and meet a young, diligent, and aspiring woman. Her achievements in the short span of the last six years include; Being an American Idol Semifinalist, recording artist of three albums, national and local performances, and involvement in numerous charitable causes. All while being a NCAA Division 1 Student-Athlete and earning a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Boston College.
Ayla currently lives in Nashville, TN.