Wednesday, December 29, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 29th, 2010
My daughter Olivia received her song. It was just beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes from the emotions. Her school will be holding a benefit fundraiser and this song will defintiley be shared with everyone that day. We are originally from Flushing Queens, NY. We moved here 5 yrs ago and I see you guys are in Forest Hills. That area is great happening spot with neat stores and great food!
Thank you so much, these song creations are a wonderful way to bring encouragement to these kids. It really brightened up Olivia's day and ours! The tune is catchy and on point.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 28th, 2010
You are absolutely amazing! Every parent looks forward to seeing their kids craw, or say their first words. We were those parents too, but soon after Caleb was born we found out our enjoyment was going to be a little different. We got excited when we were discharged from Children's Hospital after two months. We get excited when Caleb is seizure free for a day, week, or month and when he holds his head up on his own we jump with joy. That's when we get the biggest smile! Caleb has taught us a lot about being parents and how to be his. We are so thankful we have him!
The song you wrote for Caleb captures all of the positive aspects of his life. It's wonderful because we have a lot of negatives. We have listened to the song a lot, okay like fifteen times. We love it and Caleb is starting to make the connections. He looks for Brewster and Duke and smiles when he hears Aunt Kay, Kay's name. You did a great job, and I can't wait for everyone to hear the song. Thank you so much for this great gift we will cherish forever!
The Isenbarg Family
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 22nd, 2010
Thank you so much for the best song ever, we didn't give you much to work with, but it's the best song ever, we just cried with joy even the boys cried, but then later started singing along. The song never gets old, and never will. I made a Slide Show to go with the song, please check it out on the blog I have ask people to leave feedback about songs of love and how the song made them feel.It's awsome Primary Children's Hospital never heard of Songs of Love, but because of Lucas they do and have already told other families about the foundation.
I would love to send you a DVD of the Slide Show if you would like, just let me know what your address is.
Once again Thank You so much.
Love Lucas and Fullmer Family.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 16th, 2010
A few dollars can help fund a song. A car donation can help fund many songs. Please consider being a donor!
Hello John,
My name is Kim Davis, and my son Andrew is autistic. He just graduated from Rock Creek School in Frederick MD this past Friday.
I wanted to say thank you for the song that you wrote especially for him, and also thanks to the singer on the song, Ernie Gold. This is a wonderful thing you are doing. I will tell you that this was a very emotional day and there were many tears in that room that night. The kids in my son's graduating class (all six of them) struggle on a daily basis, each with their own set of issues. And yet they are happy and willing to put forth the effort it takes just to get through a single day. Speaking for myself and my family, we have learned more from my son, then we ever could have hoped to learn, had he not blessed us all with his presence. We all tend to take things for granted and something like this makes us realize how lucky each and every one of us are. Our complaints about traffic, getting up for work, having to wait in line etc etc are just so minimal and really not so important. Yet most of us find ourselves doing just that. This can certainly be a wake up call for that.
The song you wrote for my son was exactly the kind of music he likes to listen to. I was impressed that you took not only the information you were given about his interests and his family members etc, but also the style of music he likes. WoW you are amazing. You deserve so much more than this silly email, but it's all I have to give you right now. I want you to know how deeply appreciated you are. I know that many of the children you write these songs for are in hospitals and some are dying. That you give of yourself like this to these kids has made you a very special human being. Do not know what your religious convictions are, am not always sure of my own, but I do know that you are a very special person and are blessed by God. We are all blessed by God to have someone like you out there. And yes this also goes to all those wonderful amazing people who work with you on this project of love. Thank you so much to all of you. And yes I do Thank God for people like you, out there in this sometimes ugly world we live in. It's so comforting and reassuring to know that you are out there. It gives us back our sometimes failing faith in human kind.
Keep up the amazing work.
Kim Davis
Frederick, MD
Monday, December 13, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 13th, 2010
Hello John,
My name is Kim Davis, and my son Andrew is autistic. He just graduated from Rock Creek School in Frederick MD this past Friday.
I wanted to say thank you for the song that you wrote especially for him, and also thanks to the singer on the song, Ernie Gold. This is a wonderful thing you are doing. I will tell you that this was a very emotional day and there were many tears in that room that night. The kids in my son's graduating class (all six of them) struggle on a daily basis, each with their own set of issues. And yet they are happy and willing to put forth the effort it takes just to get through a single day. Speaking for myself and my family, we have learned more from my son, then we ever could have hoped to learn, had he not blessed us all with his presence. We all tend to take things for granted and something like this makes us realize how lucky each and every one of us are. Our complaints about traffic, getting up for work, having to wait in line etc etc are just so minimal and really not so important. Yet most of us find ourselves doing just that. This can certainly be a wake up call for that.
The song you wrote for my son was exactly the kind of music he likes to listen to. I was impressed that you took not only the information you were given about his interests and his family members etc, but also the style of music he likes. WoW you are amazing. You deserve so much more than this silly email, but it's all I have to give you right now. I want you to know how deeply appreciated you are. I know that many of the children you write these songs for are in hospitals and some are dying. That you give of yourself like this to these kids has made you a very special human being. Do not know what your religious convictions are, am not always sure of my own, but I do know that you are a very special person and are blessed by God. We are all blessed by God to have someone like you out there. And yes this also goes to all those wonderful amazing people who work with you on this project of love. Thank you so much to all of you. And yes I do Thank God for people like you, out there in this sometimes ugly world we live in. It's so comforting and reassuring to know that you are out there. It gives us back our sometimes failing faith in human kind.
Keep up the amazing work.
Kim Davis
Frederick, MD
Friday, December 10, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 10th, 2010
Subject: Song for Kellen Walden
Good afternoon. I wanted to share with you how absolutely delighted we are to have received your gift of song for my son, Kellen Walden. The vocals, by Carl Allocco are incredible. (We find ourselves humming to the tune long after the song is over). What an incredible gift this is!
We have sent out an email introduction to our friends and family and hopefully they will be downloading and enjoying Kellen's tune very soon. We certainly did.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this special service. Your Team is really utilizing their talents to make a difference! Not only does this lift the spirits of the child, but surely puts a smile on the face of the mom's, dad's, big brothers etc.
Our son, Kellen, was ten years old when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor on December 10, 2009. On December 11, 2009 after a 9 hour emergency operation, a very talented surgeon and his Team removed 100% of the tumor. Unfortunately, after the path reports came back, it was determined that it was malignant and a very very rare type. Kellen underwent 4 rounds of chemo, and 30 cycles of proton radiation at the University of Florida in Jacksonville . In late May, he finished his treatments; and just today, he received the "all clear" sign from the doctor that his MRI is perfect! It has been quite a journey but we have encountered a lot of love and compassion along the way. Songs of Love was a huge "bright spot" for us.
We know Kellen will be well, and live a long and wonderful life. Thanks for being a part of his recovery and making a difference.
Featured Child – Carolina Laboy Torres

Featured Songwriter – Thomas Jones

Events & Other News

Songs of Love is excited to be included in the Second Edition of “Music As A Natural Resource Compendium: Solutions for Social and Economic Issues”, launched by the International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) on September 30th, 2010. The compendium, which features 55 music projects from 33 countries, was presented at the National Arts Club to a large group that included people from the United Nations, government and the general public. The event was held to support the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and UN HABITAT’s “Better City-Better Life” World Habitat Day Celebrations. The compendium is viewable on the United Nations website UNPAN (the United Nations Public Administration Network) - you can access it the UNPAN website.

The Songs of Love Foundation thanks Britney and the entire Vargas family for their support and wonderful hospitality!

On September 11th, Susanne Hodge of Orange Park, FL hosted a fundraiser and performance in Jacksonville, FL! Special thanks to Susanne for her enthusiasm and commitment to Songs of Love!
In November, SUNY Medical Center held a fundraiser for Songs of Love. Through their efforts, they raised $2000 for our organization, helping us to keep operating and bring songs to 8 more children! Our deepest thanks to SUNY Medical for this wonderful effort!
In November, Songs of Love had a special visit from Tito Ibarra, a recipient of a song of love! Tito first appeared on a local New York TV show in 1999 and received his song during the broadcast. 11 years later, he is doing great and has completely recovered from his leukemia! Tito was totally inspired by his "song of love" and, as a result, has gone on to become a recording engineer! During his visit, he teamed up with Songs of Love founder John Beltzer to write and record a song for 6-year-old Bodhi Moore of Emmett, ID.

Christmas is just a couple of weeks away – be sure to download our Christmas ringtone to your phone! This cheerful tune is available thanks to our very own songwriter of love Donna Britton! You can download the song here!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 8th, 2010
Also, finding a charity that represent a cause you support is important. A great source for researching charities is online, with sites such as Charity Navigator.
We'll be giving more advice on making the most of your car donation in future posts, so stay tuned! It all goes towards our charitable goal of bring customized, personalized songs for healing to sick children, like the child mentioned below.
John and Songs of Love Team
Thanks again for the great personalized CD, written by Thomas Jones, for our daughter Amelia Jane Mazour. She loves to dance every night to the song and it makes us all smile. Thanks for all you do in helping these kids still be kids, even though they are faced with life’s toughest challenges. We finally got a decent photo of Amelia hugging her CD and thought we would share.
Thanks again for your generosity.
Mark and Lottie Mazour
Monday, December 6, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 6th, 2010
I just wanted to thank everyone there for making the song of love song for Jacob Covil. He loves it and so does his little sisters of course since they are named in it. They all dance around like crazy. It is such a beautiful song everytime I listen to it I tear up. Thank you for making our rough times special with this CD. I can't not tell you how thankful I am.
Thank you!
The Covil Family
Friday, December 3, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 3rd, 2010
Dear Thomas,
My son Justin has attended Sibshops in Seattle for six years now and he has come home with many terrific craft items and stories of his time with other kids whose sib has special needs. Nothing quite compares to the DVD he came home with this month! I knew they had worked on some writing about their sibs and that a DVD was going to be made but I thought it was a collective about the kids. On the way home when we listened to your song, echoing Justin’s words and feelings about his sis, Carrie, I got all teary. Grateful that Justin has a safe, caring place to share his feelings, proud that he has such love and pride in her – despite – no because of - her many challenges, and curious about the wonderful people behind the songs!
Bless you for bringing to life a brother’s love for his sister. He knows her well! Purple and string and water and Barney and mac and cheese and Missy Me and that everyone loves her. I’m going to attempt to send you a pic so you see the girl that inspired him.
Again, thank you so very much.
Lynn Vigo
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - December 1st, 2010
Today's letter is another illustration of the power of music and the real healing you are giving every time you donate.
Thank you so much for making my son, Will, a songs of love song. He really enjoyed listening to it and we played it at his birthday party and our family and friends thought it was just so great. My son passed away November 11, 2008 due to liver failure from complications from Leukemia. We played Will’s song at his services and put it to pictures of him. I still listen to it and think about him and remember how he looked when he heard it for the first time. He was proud. I will cherish this song always. Below is a link to the song to his pics.
Monday, November 29, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 29th, 2010
Today, we have a heartwarming letter from a mother who wanted to share with us the joy her daughter's song brought to her daughter and the rest of the family. Please help us make more moments like this possible!
I just wanted you to know how happy our daughter Ava Helmick was to get her song of love this week. We have been playing it non stop for her. She smiles and although she is just 2 and a half she knows that this song is ALL about her. She has two sisters and they loved it as well. Ava is back in the hospital due to complications with her birth defect Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia but she is lovin' her own tune. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you with tears in our eyes. It is something that will live with us forever. Reminding us each day how precious life really is and a gift from God.
Please thank Thomas Jones for all his hard work. We absolutely LOVE it
Friday, November 19, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 19th, 2010
Subject: Our Song of Love
Thank you so very much for Brooke's BEAUTIFUL lullaby! Lindsey Jones did an amazing job with the lyrics and vocals. When we heard the song for the first time it was so amazing that it brought tears to our eyes. We played it over and over again. We will cherish this song forever.
Brooke was born with a congenital heart condition called Pulmonary Stenosis that was discovered during the first week of her life. We had hoped that is was a minor condition that wouldn't require medical intervention, however, at about 8 weeks of age Brooke's condition had worsened and we were told that her heart would need to be repaired. She went in for a balloon angioplasty procedure, which was unsuccessful. Just a week later, Brooke had open heart surgery at just 11 weeks old to remove her pulmonary valve. The surgery was a success, however, the complications that proceeded surgery were one after another. Brooke was in the hospital for nearly a month after surgery. It was a very trying time for Brooke and our family, but with a lot of love and prayers, Brooke was able to come home. She is now a happy, thriving baby. The day will come that Brooke will have to go back in to have her valve replaced, but until then she will be able to live a happy, normal life, and for that we are truly blessed! Thank you Songs of Love for all that you do, bringing smiles to children across the world one song at a time!
The Bruggenwirth Family
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 17th, 2010
If you're considering donating your car, there are a several factors to think about. The most important factor is knowing where the funds from the car donation are going.
Also, what part of your car donation is going to the charity's cause? Choose a charity that keeps costs at a minimum so that you can be sure that your donation is being utilized in the best and most effective way possible.
The results of your contribution are evident in the smiles of the children who receive songs and in letters like the one below.
Our family would like to thank the Songs of Love foundation and Tom Jones for the wonderful uplifting song written for our son AJ. We all love the song, and how it fits AJ's little personality so accurately. Presently, AJ is on dialysis 12 hours each evening, and is awaiting a kidney transplant, and during this very difficult time we want you to know how uplifting this song has been for our entire family. Thank You from the bottom of our hearts for your incredible work, This song will forever be a treasure we will cherish. Please find attached some photos of AJ with his CD.
The Stannard Family
Monday, November 15, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 15th, 2010
I wanted to thank everyone involved in making my sons song of love, it was the nicest thing anyone has done for him, He is a very sick little boy, and music seems to sooth the pain he endures daily, this song, being so special to him, makes him smile a smile we have never seen. It comforts him that the love used in making this song was pure and real, Andrew was born with a rare heart disease and has been fighting it for almost 5 years, he has had numerous surgeries on the heart, but also has endured numerous other problems since then, he is a lung patient as well, he has to take vest treatments, breathing treatments, and last years alone was in the hospital 149 days, he has celiac disease, he was just diagnosed in November with having a pulmanary shunt, and pulmanary stenosis, he was diagnose just this last month with a form of cancer that i is very rare and hasnt been seen in years, it is a form that is from having a bad immune system and diabetis, which he also has, it affects the feet and hands, we thought that it was a ring worm, and well after medicine was used to treat it for over a month, they realized that it wasnt that, he started out a little over 3 months ago with one, and as of today he has three, on the same foot, so he has alot of problems walking at times and shoe wearing is very hard, but we always go to the music to make it better, the music is what gets him through the pain and agony he goes through daily,,,,i just wanted to thank you songs of love for all you do for sick lil people, it takes alot to do what you all do, and it is greatly appreciated, much love and Blessings to you and yours,,,Ray and Linda SMith and lil ANDREW<,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 11th, 2010
It was such strange timing to get the frineds invite for your org and then your message yesterday. My daughter and i were just going through her room and cleaning out old cds when we came across the one she had gotten from your group after first being diagnosed with cancer. she was only 3 then. she is now almost 12 and in Jr High. We both cried and hugged when listening to your cd...some of the thigns mentioned in her song are still the same while other facts changed but it was nice to remember them. She decided to keep it in her current cd collection so if she ever feels like she is having a bad day or is in an ungrateful mood she can reflect on how far her life has already come. Once she was out of treatment my family donated a car to your group. I cannot tell you how much all your love and support ment to us and still does.
God bless you and all who work with you.......
Monday, November 8, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 8th, 2010
Today, we have another heartwarming letter from a family who received a song from us this year. We have been going through a difficult time this year, due to the economy, so this thank you letter is also our "thank you" to you for supporting us through car donations and other donations!
Thank you so much for making Hailey her own songs of love cd. She was thrilled when it arrived! We have all enjoyed listening to it. It really made Hailey smile when she heard her name in the song, it brought tears to my eyes to see her so happy. We danced around the house listening to her special song. Thank you to Christi and Andrew Bissell for their great work putting the cd together. Christi has an amazing voice and left us wanting more!
Thank you to Sandra Rose for making this all possible. God bless you all,
Love ,
Hailey and family
I am having trouble adding a picture to email, you can see it on her caringbridge site, I will mail you a photo if you want one. It is her with her new songs of love cd.
Friday, November 5, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 5th, 2010
Dear Songs of Love,
I write this letter with so much appreciation for what you have done for my 4 year old daughter Delaney. She was 3 years old when diagnosed with leukemia, and within 2 months of her diagnosis she had the most wonderful song given to her, a song that she would listen to over and over. This is her song and it will forever be cherished by Delaney and her whole family. The picture that I have attached says it all! I am so grateful for what you do for children... you make them feel so special and you put a smile on their faces... over and over again- everytime they listen to "their song"- a song like no other.
Linda Farren
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - November 2nd, 2010
Dear Steve Schuffert and the everyone at Songs of Love :
When we received Josephs Song he was sitting in his chair and had been quiet most of the day. when I put on his Special Song I have rarely seen Joes face light up in such a way. He started to clap his hands and continually laugh through the entire song. When it ended his face became sad until I played it again and he was so happy
Joe is non verbal and cannot walk independently but this song has brought so much Joy and Happiness to Joe and all of us in his family .
thank you for your love
Chris , Diane and Joseph Pierce
Thursday, October 28, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - October 28th, 2010
Dear John,
I thought you might like to have some feedback from the family we worked with in Romania! They loved the Song! Great Job!
Please share this with Sarah – she is always so wonderful to me when I submit requests for our families!
Thank you again!
Jada Wilson
Child Life Specialist
Cook Children's Medical Center
Hi Jada,
I got your email off of your facebook page - wanted to send you some pictures of Alexandra receiving her Songs of Love CD but didn't want to post it on facebook. Her mom was okay with you putting them on the blog if you wanted to.
We went with Lidia (the pediatric nurse) today to deliver her CD. Alexandra was so excited and wanted to hear it before Lidia put in her I.V. line for some medication she needed. I asked her if she wanted to open her package of if her mom should do it or Lidia and she said she wanted her mom to open it. They (her mom and Lidia) loved the packaging with Alexandra's name on it. Her mom described everything to her and let her touch the outside of the cover, guiding her hand to trace the heart with her name in it. It was such a gift for all of them, not just Alexandra. The words were typed on the inside of the jacket cover and as the song played her mother read them with tears in her eyes. The beautiful part was that it was all in Romanian for Alexandra to understand. The song caught the essence of Alexandra - it truly is HER song. The chorus was based around Alexandra's smile (which she is well known for), mentioning her love of pears, her brother Silviu, and her much loved hospice nurse, Lidia. There was not a dry eye in the house. I know that even when Alexandra passes away, this song will be a great comfort and memory for her family. Alexandra's mom, Rodica, was really touched by this gesture and mere words cannot describe how she felt. Her father (Rodica, so it is Alexandra's grandfather - only 50+ years old) was recently diagnosed with cancer. His was caught too late and the doctors have told him he does not have long to live. Rodica said he is in his final stages of life now too. She will not only lose her daughter soon from cancer, but her father as well. He does not live in or near Oradea so he does not have any hospice care. Rodica has been so thankful for Emanuel Hospice, especially Lidia's (the pediatric nurse) friendship, guidance, and care for Alexandra. On behalf of her family and everyone at Emanuel Hospice & Palliative Care, thank you for bringing this special gift in Alexandra's life. You are a wonderful Child Life specialist and person! Thanks Jada for making a difference!
Monday, October 25, 2010
"Thank You" Letters - October 25th, 2010
Here's a thank you letter from Stephanie Hartman for the song we did for both of her children, Caleb and Autumn Hartman!
Thank you so much for the time that you and your songwriters put into creating two unique songs just for my children. They love having a song that is about them and has their name in it. My daughter's face just lit up the moment she heard her name on the cd. She is only 3, but she can read her name and she saw it on the CD case and it is something that is personal and dear to her. I am so thankful for Songs of Love. It truly will make a difference in the lives of many children, as it has already to 20,000 children. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Every child does matter, even the sick ones.
Stephanie Hartman
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mickey James Raises Money and Voices for Songs of Love!
(Pictured left to right): Geoff Smith, Sarah Givens, Mickey James
The Big Bang Bar Corporation collectively raised $10,000 for the Songs of Love Foundation, and celebrated the culmination of three months of fundraising on July 1st, 2010. World Champion Wrestling Star and Country Artist Mickie James, Songs of Love Founder John Beltzer, and Big Bang performer, Geoff Smith led the crowds of all four clubs to sing along to the song that Geoff wrote for 11 year-old cancer patient Sarah Givens.
Mickey James, Geoff Smith and John Beltzer hold up
the Big Bang check presented to the Songs of Love Foundation.
Each club had their own creative ways of raising money and it became a friendly competition to see which Big Bang location would earn the most money for Songs of Love. A special music video of the song with footage from the event is now available here.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Featured Child - Kylie Becker

In 1997, Moshe recorded 8 songs in the basement of his house where John had a studio set up. Most of the songs were made famous by Frank Sinatra and a handful by Nat King Cole. Moshe performed the songs in his inimitable style, identified by his charming Romanian accent. Moshe was born in Bucharest, Romania, on November 1, 1925. John and Songs of Love writer Carl Allocco worked out a deal to release the songs on Big Blue Sky Records, Carl's record label. The CD is called "Moshe Beltzer Sings!" and is now available on iTunes - all proceeds will go to the Songs of Love Foundation.
Carl, of course, has waived any royalties that he would normally receive so 100% of the sale of the CD will go to Songs of Love. Moshe loves music and helping children and this collection of songs will be his lasting gift to the world. To purchase the CD please visit
Nancy Sinatra says . . . . "Nothing like a belting Beltzer to keep these great songs going. Moshe swings!"
2010 'Swing & Sing' Golf Outing

Friday, August 6, 2010
Featured Songwriter - Will Williams

In Will’s words, “It's the only language I feel I can pour my whole heart out with. I appreciate all genres of music and consider that to be an essential recipe for depth in any one genre. With this concept, I share my life's interpretation of all good things in the form of music for my heart that translates into my gift for others.” Indeed, Will has shared that gift with over 150 children and continues to do so in many different genres. We’d like to thank Will for bringing the musical magic to Songs of Love!
Featured Music Messenger - Cheril Alexander

Cheril also spent many years working with the deaf community, including working as a teacher for deaf and hard-of-hearing students for 9 years. She is committed to the preservation of her community and firmly believes that “the best investment for the future is our children.” We couldn’t agree more, Cheril! Thank you for spreading the message and The Medicine of Music™!
Events and Other News

Finally, oncologist Dr. Jacob Wessler and his patient Ashton Ebert decided it was a MUST to turn Ashton's "song of love" into a music video. The entire Oncology staff at the hospital got involved in the making of the video - the filming started back in January! The song was written and performed by Songs of Love writer Greg Ellis. Check out the awesome video here!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Nathan Osmond Records the 21,000th "Song of Love" for Kylie Becker!
Country music singer Nathan Osmond (above left) of the famed Osmond family (son of Alan and nephew of Donny), has graciously written and recorded our 21,000th "song of love" for 10-year-old leukemia patient Kylie Becker (above right). The song was co-written by Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" songwriter Tony Asher ("God Only Knows", "Wouldn't It be Nice") and Songs of Love Founder John Beltzer. Kylie is to receive the song shortly and there will be a follow-up story on her reaction.
Click here to listen to Kylie's "song of love".
(Pictured left to right), Nathan Osmond, Tony Asher, Tom Roach (Nathan's Manager), John Beltzer
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Ayla Brown Sings a "Song of Love" on the CBS Early Show!

Ayla Brown, American Idol semi-finalist season 5, has recorded a "song of love" for Hannah Lowe, a 6-year-old cancer patient. Hannah was all
smiles when she heard a "song of love" that was all about her!
For a minimum donation of $5 you can download the entire song or video and help more children like Hannah receive their very own "song of love". Please click here to download Hannah's "song of love" below!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Songs of Love Featured Child - Hannah Lowe

Six-year-old cancer patient Hannah Lowe received a Song of Love from Season 5 American Idol semi-finalist Ayla Brown. Hannah's song premiered on the CBS Early Show on April 15th, where Ayla Brown is the newest correspondent. Ayla is also the daughter of Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown. If you missed the touching segment, you can view it here. Hannah is from Lowell, MA and loves dancing, cooking, swimming and playing with her friends and her baby brother Evan.
Featured Music Messenger – Sandra Rose

Sandra Rose has gone above and beyond to bring the Medicine of Music™ and the light of hope to sick children as a Music Messenger™. Based in Southport, North Carolina, she became involved with Songs of Love in 2005 after her two grandchildren, Zach and Seth. received their very own ‘songs of love.’
Through her tireless efforts, Songs of Love has been able to reach thousands of children. Every month, Sandra sends profiles to Give Kids the World Village, a nonprofit resort in Kissimmee, Florida for children with life-threatening illnesses. Sandra is responsible for 1870 children (and counting!) receiving their very own ‘song of love.’ She has also held multiple fundraisers throughout her 5 years of service, and has helped to raise more than $2,000 for Songs of Love. We thank Sandra from the bottom of our hearts for her unyielding dedication and enthusiasm!
Featured Songwriters – Christi & Andrew Bissell

Christi and Andrew Bissell have been bringing their unique brand of rock to sick children for Songs of Love since 2007. Based in Nashville, the couple met in 2005 while playing for the rock band “Popular Genius.” The two began dating soon after, and about a year later, they were married. Christi studied Music at Belmont University and has played with a long roster of talent. Andrew has a degree in Music from Middle Tennessee State University and has had his songs recorded by major artists and has written and produced national jingles. Since starting with Songs of Love, Christi and Andrew have written songs for 400 children. We’d like to thank them both for their outstanding work and continuing to bring musical healing to children everywhere!
Car Donation Raffle Winner - Rafael Galindo

Congratulations to Rafael Galindo, winner of our Songs of Love Car Donation Raffle in January 2010! Chosen from 2,400 Songs of Love car donors who donated in 2009, Rafael was the recipient of a brand new 2010 Toyota Corolla (see video of the raffle here). The proceeds from his donated car helped fund more “songs of love” and reach more children!
If you would like more information on our car donation program, please click here.
Events and Other News

On March 27th, 2010, we held our 3rd annual Fab Faux/Songs of Love benefit concert. Featuring the premier Beatles cover band the Fab Faux and and special guest Ken Dashow, preeminent classic rock DJ for Q104, the event was held at the Bergen Performing Arts Center in Englewood, NJ. The evening also featured an auction of two Epiphone Les Paul Junior guitars autographed by Jason Mraz and the live audience recording of a “song of love” for Amelia Scheffs-Bevington of Long Island City, New York. The concert drew 1,300 fans and raised over $20,000! A Special thanks to Songs of Love Advisory Board members Richard Lewis, Gary Rosen and Bruce Rothbard for organizing the event! Songs of Love will also be honoring Ken Dashow at a future event.
On March 3rd, 2010, Songs of Love held the first Karaoke Night fundraiser at Iggy’s New York Karaoke Lounge and Grill. Songs of Love founder John Beltzer kicked off the event with a speech and a spirited performance of The Beatles’ “Oh! Darling.” Thanks to the families, friends and songwriters who came out to support us! Also, a special thanks to Meghan Kelly, Amanda Hoskins and the rest of the child life staff at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore for making this event possible! And finally, a warm thanks to Iggy’s for their generous donation to Songs of Love.
On April 8th, 2010, Songs of Love was part of the the Care One at The Cupola fundraiser in Paramus, NJ, hosted by cast members of The Sopranos. Special thanks to Nick and Frank Vallelonga for inviting Songs of Love to the fundraiser. Vincent Pastore auctioned off several items for Songs of Love, including dinner with him, Tony Lip and Dan Grimaldi of The Sopranos (Pictured from left to right: Vincent Pastore, John Beltzer, Tony Lip).

Finally, we want to give a warm farewell to Jonathan Kosakow for his hard work and commitment to Songs of Love over the past 3 years. As Music Coordinator, Jonathan has been an indispensable part of the team as the final link in making sure children receive their very own “song of love”. We wish him luck in all his endeavors.
Childhood Leukemia

If you are close to a child coping with leukemia, we recommend Nancy Keene’s Childhood Leukemia – A Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers, 4th Edition. Ms. Keene, herself the mother of a child with leukemia, wrote the book as a resource guide based on her family’s experiences during and after treatment. Written with the input and perspective of dozens of parents, children and medical professionals, this edition is updated and medically reviewed with the most accurate and up-to-date information, as well as support for families going through all stages of the disease. The book is unique in that it is as personal as it is practical. For more information, please visit
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tickets on Sale for the Songs of Love 3rd Annual Benefit Concert Featuring the Fab Faux!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Jason Mraz sings a "song of love" for Christian Burns!

Send Us Your Lead to Help More Children in Need!
Featured Songwriters - Donna Britton and Dominick Barone

Donna Britton brings 25 years experience in the music industry to Songs of Love, and continues to give more. Her fun, energetic personality shines through on each of the more than 100 "songs of love" she has written since 2006. Donna is also Vice President of Shadow Mountain Music Group, a publishing and artist management company based in Nashville, TN, and through her work with them is always looking out for ways to bring attention to Songs of Love in the Nashville scene. 2009 was the second year in a row in which Donna and Shadow Mountain Music sponsored Songs of Love in Nashville's annual Hall of Trees celebration, and we thank her for her continued support.

Featured Music Messenger - Eliana Tardio

Eliana Tardio has been a shining star in our team of Music Messengers. She has given a great deal of time and energy to bringing the "Medicine of Music" to Spanish speaking families. She generously contributed an article about Songs of Love to the Spanish magazine "D'Latinos," as well making other parents aware of us though her website, and Early Steps of Southwest Florida. She also helped a great deal in spreading the word about Songs of Love through her network on Facebook.
Eliana is a huge advocate for families of children with Down Syndrome and has had a 'song of love' written for both of her children, Ayelen and Emir. Because of her efforts, more than 50 Spanish speaking children have received their own song. We thank Eliana for her astounding work!
Upcoming Events and Other News