This special event was sponsored by Hofstra's Student Government Association, Hillel: The Center for Jewish Life on Campus and the Inter-Fraternity/Sorority Council. Other groups involved are Hofstra's Student Activities, the Newman Club, the Protestant Club, the Muslim Students Association, Circle K, the Hofstra Gospel Ensemble and Sigmacapella. There were many Songs of Love writers who also contributed their talents and voices! They include: Ruth Antrich, David Cooper, Irving Louis Lattin, Carl Allocco, Chris Stavropoulos, Bill Smith, Kathy
Hart, Meny Beriro, Candi Beriro, Alwis Demoya, Alex Forbes, John Beltzer, Richard Berardi and Danny Obadia.
Click .mp3 icon above to hear Brendan's "Song of Love".

The fabulous collegiate chorus sings for Brendan!

Brendan and Mom smile on stage as the crowd sings!

Brendan and his entire family soak up the healing voices!

Songs of Love's Music & Hospital Outreach Coordinator Kathryn Sherrell signs up students to be Music Messengers.

Our 6,000th Song Celebration banner!

The Songs of Love writers who contributed their talents and voices to Brendan's song. (Top, left to right) Danny Obadia, Bill Smith, Irving Louis Lattin, Alwis Demoya, Ruth Antrich, John Beltzer, Carl Allocco, Meny Beriro, David Cooper, Candi Beriro. (Bottom, left to right) Richard Berardi, Kathy Hart, Alex Forbes, Chris Stavropoulos