Songs of Love Founder John Beltzer directed the hardhat donning guests in the unfinished lobby as they all raised their voices in song. The Benson-Scott Big Band, a sixteen piece orchestra, also played along on Brett's "Song of Love". This collaboration with the Maria Fareri Children's Hospital will mark the first time that Songs of Love will be on the menu of special programs offered to the children from the very first day a new hospital opens its doors.
Click .mp3 icon to hear Brett's "Song of Love" (written and performed by Danny Obadia)
Click video button to see a WNBC news clip of the event.

Friends of the new Maria Fareri Children's Hospital take part in the recording of Brett's "Song of Love"

Brett Bollerman and Mom Bethany with Brett's finished "Song of Love" (photo by Peter Escobedo)

Songs of Love Board Member Geri Fessler(second from left) lends her voice. Her "Heather on Earth" Foundation will fund a music therapy program for the new hospital. (photo by Peter Escobedo)

The Benson-Scott Big Band enhance Brett's "Song of Love." (photo by Peter Escobedo)

Songs of Love Founder, John Beltzer, directing the friends of the new Maria Fareri Children's Hospital. (photo by Peter Escobedo)